1. According to the von Neumann model
what are the differences between RAM andhard disk? When should a program be stored in RAM and when in hard disk? (5%)2. Which is more valuable today to an organization: hardware
or data? (5%)3. Convert the decimal fraction 0.640625 to a fraction with a power of 2. (5%)4. Convert the decimal number 7.1875 to a binary number. (5%)5. Babylonian civilization is credited for developing the first positional numeral system
called the Babylonian numeral system. It is a positional sexagesimal system (based60). However
it did not have a symbol for zero and produced the other 59 sybmolsby stacking two symbols
those for one and ten. Search the Internet to express 11291in Babylonian numerals. (5%)6. Continuted with the above question
mention problems that might arise from nothaving a symbol for 0. Find how the Babylonian numeral system addresses theproblem. (5%)7. A gray scale picture is digitized using four different gray levels. If the picture iscomposed of 100x100 pixels
how many bits are needed to represent the picture?(5%)8. An audio signal is sampled 8000 times per second. Each sample is represented by256 different levels. How many bits per second are needed to represent this signal?How many Mbytes are needed to present a 5‐minute song? (10%)
1. Ram is faster. Store in Ram when Using.2. Software3. 0.1010014. 111.00115. YYY